
Tesla News: Nine Megapack Batteries Deployed At Alberta Wind Farm

Tesla’s grid-level solutions have been seeing rapid adoption all around the globe. With their newest product, the Megapack, starting to be deployed at more sites, Tesla’s newest costumer is a Alberta’s TransAlta.

The power company has taken delivery of a series of the giant batteries, at one of their sites, called Summerview Wind Farm. With the installation complete, the project will take on the name of “WindCharger.”

Each Tesla Megapack has up to 3MWh of storage capacity and a 1.5MW inverter. In total TransAlta will be using nine of them, for a system with 10MW of possible output, and twice that amount in storage, 20MWh.

The Megapacks are extremely competitive solutions for grid-scale power. they are very size efficient, coming in at 40% smaller than competing technologies. They are also far simpler in design, with an amazing ten times fewer components.

Thanks to the Megapack’s shipping-container like design, they are also very easily installed compared to other possible battery systems. Tesla says that they can be deployed ten times faster than other solutions.

TransAlta’s WindCharger will be the first lithium-ion, utility-scale battery storage project in Alberta. It will utilize Tesla’s Megapack battery technology, charged with electricity from our Summerview Wind Farm.

With the success of Tesla’s Australia deployments, and the companies keen eye on expanding into the international market. These sorts of installations will become much more common place in the coming years.

Look forward to a world of affordable green energy, whether it’s from solar, wind, or whatever else. Since now, the nay-saying talking point of “it’s not always sunny” will be totally irrelevant.


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